Sailing with the Tides

  Embarking on a financial plan is like sailing around the world. The voyage won’t always go to plan, and there’ll be rough seas. But the odds of reaching your destination increase greatly if

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10 Things To Do When Markets Get Scary

“This is a test; this is only a test. Had this been an actual emergency …” The truth is, the markets are doing just what markets do from time to time, they correct themselves. In fact, overall market

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Timing is Critical for Boomers Preparing to Claim Social Security

Make the Most of Your Benefits It has begun. America’s largest generation, the 79 million strong, post World War II baby-boomers has begun cashing in on its Social Security benefits. And, just as history

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Our Jekyll-Hyde Relationship with Investment Risk

“What the imagination can’t conjure, reality delivers with a shrug.” – Trumbo (movie voice-over) Whether it’s the recent destruction wrought by Canada’s Fort McMurray oil sands wildfire, a

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Cost Control: An Investor’s Greatest Investment

In the mid-1800s, is a collection of essays entitled “Conduct of Life,” Ralph Waldo Emerson observed, “Money often costs too much.” More than 150 years later, his words remain well worth heeding,

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The Vital Role of Rebalancing

If there is a universal investment ideal, it is this: Every investor wants to buy low and sell high. What if we told you there is a disciplined process for doing just that and staying on track toward your

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Market Timing: The Built-in Hurdle

Market timing generally refers to approaches that seek to outperform a traditional static asset allocation by switching back and forth between asset classes. However, as shown in this article, these approaches

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Home Bias and Global Diversification

By pursuing a globally diversified approach to investing, one doesn’t have to attempt to pick winners to achieve a rewarding investment experience. Every day we enjoy the benefits of an interconnected

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Cryptocurrency: What’s It All About?

Odds are, you hadn’t even heard the term until recently. Now, it seems as if everybody and their cousin are getting in on it. Psychologists have assigned a term to the angst you might be feeling in the

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The ABC’s of Behavioral Biases (F–H)

Let’s continue our alphabetic tour of common behavioral biases that distract otherwise rational investors from making the best choices about their wealth. Today, we’ll tackle: fear, framing, greed,

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Key Questions for the Long-Term Investor

Focusing On What You Can Control Can Lead To A Better Investment Experience Whether you’ve been investing for decades or are just getting started, at some point on your investment journey you’ll likely

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Three Key Investment Strategies Hidden in Plain Sight: Part 3

In the first two installments of our three-part “hidden in plain sight” investment strategy series, we’ve covered the importance of staying invested to earn market returns, while managing the risks

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Three Key Investment Strategies Hidden in Plain Sight: Part 2

In our last piece, we described why most investors should ignore the never-ending onslaught of unpredictable financial investment news and tend to three strategies that can be much more readily managed

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Three Key Investment Strategies Hidden in Plain Sight: Part 1

If you’ve ever dabbled in graphic design, you’re familiar with the concept of white space. When viewing an illustration, we typically pay the most attention to the visible ink on the page, such as

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Quit Monkeying Around!

In the world of investment management, there is an oft-discussed idea that blindfolded monkeys throwing darts at pages of stock listings can select portfolios that will do just as well, if not better,

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More Evidence on Evidence-Based Investing: An Historical Overview of Capital Market Theory

Why do we refer to our approach as evidence-based investing? We believe that the evidence – especially the kind that has been peer-reviewed and time-tested – is at the root of everything else we do

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Evidence-Based Investing: The Evidence on the Evidence

There’s a reason we refer to our strategy for building durable, long-term wealth as evidence-based investing. There are a number of other terms we could use instead: Structured (getting warm), low-cost

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Smart Shopping Pays When It Comes To Your Investments

Costs matter. Whether you’re buying a car or selecting investments, the costs you expect to pay are likely to be an important factor in making any major financial decision. People rely on a lot of different

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When Diversification Isn’t a Free Lunch

Diversification has been called the only free lunch in investing This claim is rooted in Markowitz’s work on modern portfolio theory, which showed that through diversification, combinations of assets

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Misperceptions About Market Correction: Are You Prepared?

If you enjoy fine literature, we recommend all of Warren Buffett’s annual Berkshire Hathaway shareholder letters, dating back to 1965. While financial reports are rarely the stuff from which dreams are

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Diversifying a Portfolio with Real Estate

Real estate as a wealth generator is hardly a new idea. People owned the property long before the advent of stock exchanges and other capital markets. In more recent times, large corporations and institutions

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Objective Fiduciary Advice

Avoiding Financial Scams and Identity Theft Fraud

Young or old, wealthy or poor, online or in person … Nobody is immune from financial scams and identity theft fraud. No matter who you are or how well-informed you may be, the bad guys are out there,

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The Uncertainty Paradox and Planning

“Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is an absurd one.”  — Voltaire “The market hates uncertainty” has been a common enough saying in recent years, but how logical is it?

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Portfolio Management: A Rebalancing Act

Global diversification gives investors a valuable tool for managing risk and volatility in portfolio management. But smart diversification has an important side effect. It requires maintenance. In a

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Designing a Retirement Income that Works for You

If ever there were an appropriate analogy for how to invest for retirement, it would be the classic fable of The Three Little Pigs. As you may recall, those three little pigs tried three different structures

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If You Own 100 U.S. Companies Is Your Portfolio Properly Diversified?

  “Diversification is about the closest thing to a free lunch in capital markets, so you may as well get a huge helping of it.” – Ken French Equity markets have experienced a sharp upward

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The Evolution of Financial Research

The Profitability Premium and Financial Research Since the 1950s, there have been numerous breakthroughs in the field of financial economics that have benefited both society and investors. One early

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Divorce and Social Security Benefits

Even if your ex-spouse has not applied for benefits, you may qualify to collect spousal Social Security payments based on his or her earnings record. When looking at divorce and Social Security remember,

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What is the Purpose of Indexes and Index Funds? (Part IV)

Index Investing – Opportunities and Obstacles Legend has it, a pharmacist named John Pemberton was searching for a headache cure when he tried blending Coca leaves with Cola nuts. Who knew his recipe

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What is the Purpose of Indexes and Index Funds? (Part III)

Index Mechanics – Interesting Idiosyncrasies Market indexes. You read about them all the time, such as when the Dow Jones Industrial Average (the Dow) topped 20,000 points in early 2017 … and then

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